It’s for Them

It’s for them. I’ve had my time. 

My memories, my thrills and excitement. Not that I can’t still have those moments as an adult, but the magic is shinier in childhood. The simple life of no bills, no stress and just pure imagination, play and learning with very little pressure.

The season of Advent is upon us. A time of waiting, preparing and hoping for the light of the world to shine.

This year I’ve tried to be more conscious of saying no to things and trying to consciously build in space with no plans. 

Part of the joy of Advent, for me as a mom, is to enjoy the quiet times as well as the busy.

As a child I was enamored with the Christmas tree and the glow it lent in a dark season. As an adult I still love to sit with the tree when everyone has gone to bed and read in the glow.

There are SO many cool activities and traditions during this season and I wish we could do them all, but each age has a season. I can feel the childhood slipping away as my children grow older. The activities and outings pale in comparison to one-on-one time and simply joys like rolling out cookie dough and decorating cookies in our home.

We have already had a Christmas parade and cut down a tree. I’m trying hard to incorporate gifts as activities this year and looking forward to a few more live music events before Christmas is upon us.

I’m thankful for the life I have, and it feels good to try to slow time and really be present with these kiddos as they are hurtling face forward into teenage years. 

Here’s your reminder to slow down and revel in the season as best you can. Enjoy the sparkle!