Adult Time Outs

My recent lack of posts has a lot to do with the above. Suddenly and without much warning a perfect storm of things happened at once. We finally found a babysitter/scheduled fun adult outings/had funds for both.

With Bug starting preschool and all the Fall birthdays then holidays I knew we would need some opportunities to relax and have fun. Now don’t go assuming my children aren’t fun, they are a blast and slightly crazy, however, as most parents can attest having children means you are mentally always “on”. The one time you think it’s okay to lay in bed for 5 more minutes you come downstairs to your son smiling sweetly at you whilst holding out a large butcher knife. Oh that happened.

My point is as a parent unless you are physically separated from your offspring it is nearly impossible to obtain the soothing brain bath that is total and utter relaxation.

One of my best and oldest friends (also a mother) and I have been trying to do a weekend away for years. We decided to play the odds and instead have just one night away somewhere close but still far enough to appreciate the distance.

After a few frustrating childcare issues (since I had the brilliance to schedule this while the Husband and Bug were out of town at a wedding) we were off, my friend picked me up in her “adult fun car” ie the one without the car seats in it and off we went.

Out first stop naturally, was for coffee. The baristas at my local spot all know my face and my kids and they gave me a gentle ribbing about actually coming inside and my lack of children in tow. One of them, a mom herself, shared in my excitement and we all celebrated the fact I was going to sit and drink my coffee out of a “here” cup.

We spent the next few hours shopping and aimlessly wandering in town, taking time to do those things one never has time for, actually trying on clothes for fit, etc. At some point we realized it was way past lunch time and we should probably eat. An unusual problem when you are usually 20 feet from your kitchen at all times.

Heading to our inn we checked in and scoped it out. Under the eaves with a view of the water, a king sized bed and a gas fireplace. It looked amazing but our appetites prevented further lingering.

We wandered through town in search of a cafe for lunch. I leaned toward a good gluten free place and it was decided. We both had a hankering for clam chowder on the cold wet day so we enjoyed some and I ate an amazing sandwhich, made more so by the fact I did not make it for myself.

After our leisurely late lunch we popped in and out of a few shops, grabbing chocolate for later and a few Christmas gifts. The Inn came with a free wine tasting so we popped in for that and left with a few bottles of discounted wine.

After sitting and chatting for a bit in front of our fire we took turns checking in on our kids (we can’t help it, motherhood never leaves you). Satisfied all was in hand we dressed for dinner on the town. Another friend of mine had recommended a local farm to table restaurant and constantly raved about it, so off we went on foot in the dark and rainy night.

The restaurant was ridiculously full so we ended up sitting at the bar. The service was great and we ordered a gimlet while we waited for our dinner. Oh what a dinner. We both ordered variations of steak and potatoes and it was amazingly delicious (I went back within a week for more!). All throughout great conversation was had. I am so thankful for someone I have known nearly two decades. The conversation has such a practiced ease, a flow, you don’t even think about filtering or watching what you say, it all comes so naturally in a mature friendship.

After dinner we walked back in the rain and turned the gas fireplace on, earlier we had lamented not bringing DVD’s but in the end we talked for hours about family, our parents, our kids and hopes and dreams for the future. Turns out we didn’t need entertainment, just quality conversation. After a respectable hour we prided ourselves on staying up past we went promptly to sleep.

Happily I slept past 8:30, despite a bad throat cold which unfortunately meant I was coughing half the night. My friend was gracious enough to not smack me in my sleep despite this annoyance. After a nice breakfast in our room provided by the inn we went in search of coffee, as is our way.

A brief chat with our barista and coffee in hand we took a long walk through town and over the bridge above the channel. It was quiet and peaceful and a joy to live in a place where the woods are never more than 10 minutes away. The rain had soaked the evergreens and lush carpet of the forest floor and it smelled amazing. We wandered back through town, passing a small church as the service dismissed. After a short dalliance with an antique store we regretfully returned to check out of the inn.

Heading back into town and responsibilities we took a detour to Costco, doesn’t sound like much but at this time of year, sans kids, you can actually buy some Christmas gifts! Some Christmas gifts and groceries later we had a last coffee stop and she dropped me at my door.

The boys were overjoyed to see me and I them. Being away from them reminds me of just how precious and special they are.

As was discussed we hope to make this a yearly event and my soul thanked me much for taking this adult time out.

I hope all of you, parents or not, take some time this season to unplug. Have a conversation with an old friend, enjoy a cup of coffee, most of all find a way to give your soul some joy and be grateful for the place you are in life.

Blessings and peace to you all.

Author: erinrenee22

I'm a writer hiding in the shadows of real life. A busy life with education and mommyhood taking most of my time. My inspiration comes from many places but I try to write by the adage "write what you know" and thus this blog exists. A collective spattering of my thoughts on life, reflections about motherhood and what being married to an attorney is like. As in normal life I love facing new challenges and celebrations everyday. Thank you for reading!

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